How to refer
If you have a cardiac case that you feel would benefit from assessment by a cardiologist the referral process is simple. You can either contact your local vet clinic to make a booking or alternatively contact us directly. We are happy to discuss cases over phone or email prior to referral.
An initial consultation is usually 60 minutes which includes echocardiography and electrocardiography (if required). Referring veterinarians can request pricing information over email. Alternatively veterinarians and clients can ask for a cost estimate over the phone.
Veterinarians can expect a full report be emailed to them within 7 days of the referral appointment. Any urgent matters will be discussed sooner over the phone.
Cases seen by the veterinary cardiologist that are deemed too unstable to go home will either be referred back to their primary care veterinarian or to an appropriate emergency centre.
Veterinarians can expect a full report be emailed to them within 7 days of the referral appointment. Any urgent matters will be discussed sooner over the phone.
Cases seen by the veterinary cardiologist that are deemed too unstable to go home will either be referred back to their primary care veterinarian or to an appropriate emergency centre.